Nirman IAS GS Prelims Indian Polity Hindi Medium Handwritten Class Notes

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Nirman IAS GS Prelims Indian Polity Hindi Medium Handwritten Class Notes

Nirman IAS-GS Prelims-Indian Polity-Hindi Medium Handwritten Class Notes. Nirman IAS Best academy for Civil and Upsc exam preparation ias serving national level coaching to the students and making tomorrow leaders. The teaching faculty help and improve candidates ability for preliminary, mains and personality test. best coaching and faculty is nirman ias identity and serving best result to their students last 10 years.     PAGES ;-254

निर्माण आईएएस के पलिटी नोट नोट्स संघ लोक सेवा आयोग के पेपर के लिए बेस्ट हैं.ये नोट्स दो भाषाओं मैं उपलब्ध हैं हिंदी और इंग्लिश .इन नोट्स सबसे बसहिया बात ये हैं की यव नोट्स उनके हैं जो खुद सिविल सर्विसेज की तैयारी करता हैं.

निर्माण आईएएस बेस्ट कोचिंग सेंटर्स जहां जो डेल्ही मैं हैं .और जो पिछले १० सालों से सिविल सर्विसेज की तैयारी करा रहा हैं.इनके नोट्स पूरा सिलेबस कवर करते हैं.और मार्किट मैं इनके नोट्स की बहुत डिमांड हैं.

1.संवैधानिक ढांचे

2.शासन पद्धति

3.केंद्र सरकार

Benefits of Nirmas IAS notes.

1.Nirmas IAS notes best for Upsc ,IAS,and Civil services exam.

2.Best part of this notes is available in two languages 1.Hindi 2.English

3.This note is Handwritten class notes

4.Helpful and beneficial for Upsc students

5.Covered Full syllabus.

study material provides genuine notes. Study material provide Photocopy notes of Handwritten notes, Upsc notes, IAS  notes, Printed notes ,Notes for IAS exam,Photo copy notes for IAS exam, Photocopy study material for IAS exam, Upsc notes, Upsc study material,Upsc coaching notes. We will deliver your notes in 7 days at your doorstep.

Nirman IAS-GS Prelims-Indian Polity-Hindi Medium Handwritten Class Notes contents are given below..

Part I: Constitutional Framework

Part II: System of Government

Part III: Central government

Part IV: State Government

Part V: Local Government

Part VI: Union territories and special areas

Part VIII: Non-Constitutional Bodies

Part IX:Other Constitutional Dimensions

Part X:Political Dynamics

Part XI: Working of the Constitution

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For inquiry and talk you can go along with us our what’s app gather such a large number of understudies are as of now gone along with us you can like wise join at 9354925302 and visit our site Examophobia

For soft copy data about UPSC,IPS,IAS, Study material our official unravel your inquiries with neighborliness so understudies call us 9354925302 and visit our site  Onlinekhanmarket

Soft Copy Notes : POLITY & GOVERNANCE 2023

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Nirman IAS GS Prelims Indian Polity Hindi Medium Handwritten Class Notes

Nirman IAS GS Prelims Indian Polity Hindi Medium Handwritten Class Notes

1,100.001,300.00 (-15%)

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