Developmental Biology ZOOLOGY Notes EVOLUTION for IAS,IFoS

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Developmental Biology ZOOLOGY Notes EVOLUTION for IAS, IFoS.

Evolution is one of the best and most prestigious coaching institute in india situated in Delhi at Mukherjee Nagar. Evolution has the best faculty group for teaching. Evolution provides best coaching for IAS, IFos,I AS and Civil service exam. His notes and material best in quality for exam.

एवोलूशन के जूलॉजी के नोट्स बेस्ट हैं उन स्टूडेंट्स के लिए जो आईएएस,इफोस के एग्जाम की तैयारी कर रहे हैं.एवोलूशन बेस्ट इंस्टिट्यूट हैं उन स्टूडेंट्स के लिए जो आईएएस ,ई,फ,ओ,स क्लियर करना चाहते हैं.इनके नोट्स बेस्ट टीचर्स के द्वारा लिखे जाते हैं
एवोलूशन के नोट्स ज्यादा से ज्यादा स्टूडेंट्स आर्डर करते हैं ताकि वो एग्जाम मैं ज्यादा से ज्यादा स्कोर कर सके.और स्टडी मटेरियल एवलूशन के बेस्ट नोट्स प्रोवाइड करता हैं गुड क्वालिटी के साथ.

Benefits of Zoology notes By evolution.

1.Evolution study materials and notes covers all the topics of civil service examination as well as IFoS examination.

2.Contained full syllabus.

3,The writing style and organization is strictly in accordance to the demand of UPSC examination.

4. Available at a reasonable price.

5.Written by best faculty and toppers.

6. Study material provides notes at your doorstep.

7. Best notes for UPSC, IAS, IFos Exam.

8. Available in two languages.1 Hindi 2 English

Developmental Biology ZOOLOGY Notes EVOLUTION for IAS, and IFoS content is given below.

Unit 1. Introduction

Unit 2. Early Embryonic Development

Unit 3. Later Embryonic Development

Unit 4. Post-Embryonic Development

Unit 5. Implications of Developmental Biology

Study material has best material and notes for UPSC,IAS, IPS and Civil services. Study material provides best and genuine material to the aspirant’s Photocopy notes of Handwritten notes, Upsc notes, IAS  notes, Printed notes ,Notes for IAS exam, Photo copy notes for IAS exam, Photocopy study material for IAS exam, Upsc notes, Upsc study material, Upsc coaching notes. We will deliver your notes in 7 days at your doorstep.

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Soft Copy Notes : ZOOLOGY Notes By EVOLUTION For IAS & IFoS, Gate Exam

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Weight 0.75 kg
Dimensions 30 × 21 × 1.2 cm
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Developmental Biology ZOOLOGY Notes EVOLUTION for IAS,IFoS

Developmental Biology ZOOLOGY Notes EVOLUTION for IAS,IFoS

1,199.001,500.00 (-20%)

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