Plutus IAS GK &Current Affairs For UPSC and IAS Exam Book

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Here we mention about GK and current affairs study material for better preparation of civil services examination in 2022 for all the student.


General Awareness is one of the important subjects which can’t be ignored by candidates preparing for various competitive exams. There are two parts in the General Awareness section- one is Static GK and the other one is Dynamic part which we generally read as Current Affairs. The study material contains all the important topics from which questions have been asked in previous year’s papers and will be asked in the future too. The general awareness study material is available in both Hindi and English. It covers a static portion of the major topics like Indian History, Art and Culture, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Important Days, Banking Awareness, etc.

Current Affairs refer to the events of national and international importance relevant from a competitive exams perspective like the Civil Services Exam, Bank exam, etc. With the change in the pattern of examinations, questions related to current events and news have assumed a major role in deciding the fate of students. Candidates should remain updated on current affairs that create headlines nationally as well as internationally. Recent trends have shown that the static and dynamic portions of the current affairs syllabus have significant overlap. The probability of encountering unexpected questions from current affairs in the traditionally static portions of the syllabus is quite high.

General Knowledge GK for UPSC

General knowledge is information that has been accumulated over time through various mediums, and sources. It excludes specialized learning that can only be obtained with extensive training and information confined to a single medium. General knowledge is an essential component of crystallized intelligence. It is strongly associated with general intelligence and with openness to experience. Studies have found that people who are highly knowledgeable in a particular domain tend to be knowledgeable in many. General knowledge is thought to be supported by long-term semantic memory ability. General knowledge also supports schemata for textual understanding. In 2019, it was found in a survey that New Zealanders had “concerning” gaps in their general knowledge.


Current Affairs play a significant role in UPSC Civil Services Exam preparation as the dynamic questions appear in all three stages of the examination- Pre, Mains, and Interview. The Questions may be directly or even indirectly linked to the static part of the syllabus. Trend analysis of past years’ question papers shows that the weightage for current affairs questions is increasing every year and hence, aspirants should give more importance to current affairs and related aspects while preparing for UPSC. Though current affairs are important, there is not exactly a detailed & defined syllabus of current affairs for both stages prelims and mains examination of the UPSC civil service exam. The prelims syllabus just mentions, “Current events of national and international importance”. Therefore, the candidates must analyze past years’ question papers of both prelims and mains to get an idea of how much weightage is given to current affairs, how many questions are asked, and how current affairs are interlinked to different topics of the syllabus. This will help the candidates to approach current affairs with the right strategy.

IMPORTANCE of GK and Current Affairs

Prelim exams of the last few years show that every year around 20-30 questions are asked about current affairs which makes them extremely important and a deciding factor to ensure success in the prelim exam. Apart from the prelims exam when we write the main exam, it requires a multidimensional approach to dealing with different issues, so current affair becomes vital in this regard. Current affairs also help to develop analytical and logical thinking on different topics like current social issues, election reforms, economic issues, national interest in international relations, etc. Current affairs not only help to deal with these questions properly but also help to fetch good marks when we include them in our answers. Even in the static portion of polity, history, geography, culture, etc, questions are interlinked with current events. The process of the UPSC Interview is an assessment of not only a candidate’s knowledge part but also the capability of dealing with the real situation through his innovative approach and his awareness of current events. Apart from the theoretical knowledge of various topics of general studies and optional subjects, candidates are also expected to have a good knowledge of current events outside or inside of the country, other scientific knowledge such as discoveries, space missions, use of satellites in disaster management, gene editing and how it helps society, etc. Therefore, current affairs form an important part of the interview preparation. The dynamic nature of the civil services examination has made current affairs extremely important. A candidate is expected to have a detailed preparation strategy to cover the current affairs at all stages of the exam. Knowledge about current affairs also helps in increasing awareness and building the character of a person.

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Plutus IAS GK &Current Affairs For UPSC and IAS Exam Book

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