PHILOSOPHY Printed notes Mitra’s IAS

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PHILOSOPHY Printed notes Mitra’s IAS

It is a downloadable material for upsc aspirants with very good quality and clearness

Philosophy Printed Notes Mirta’s IAS- IAS Examination
It has the shortest syllabus . It can be covered within 60 days very comfortably . Saved time can be invested in GS which now consist of 4 papers ( 1000 marks )

Its study material consists of 6 booklets which are as following:-

Indian Philosophy- Vol-1
Indian Philosophy Vol-2
Philosophy of Religion
Socio Political philosophy
Western Philosophy Vol-1
Western Philosophy Vol-2
It has great scoring potentiality
It has immense applicability in essay paper . Topics like democracy, secularism, humanism, women empowerment, multiculturalism, corruption, justice ,religion and morality, etc. are the relevant topics for the essay.
GS paper – IV ( Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude ) has strong roots in philosophy
It need not to be updated with any current developments as it is required in other subjects .
With the fast changing trend of exam where command over the entire subject is required,
Philosophy is most competitive because 100% is covered in short span of time.
Mr. Mitral is the founder of Maitra’s IAS institute, one of the most recognized and trusted IAS institute in Delhi NCR. Its study material is same as given in the classroom programmed. Mitral Sir’s Mitral IAS is getting its popularity within a short span of time.


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PHILOSOPHY Printed notes Mitra's IAS For IAS Examination

PHILOSOPHY Printed notes Mitra’s IAS

1,299.001,500.00 (-13%)

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