Foundation Course Combo Class 10 books(Physics Chemistry Biology and Maths) for NEET/CBSE

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Foundation Course Combo Class 10 books(Physics Chemistry Biology and Math’s) for NEET/CBSE

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Foundation Course Combo Class 10 books(Physics Chemistry Biology and Math) for NEET/CBSE

In this, we mention the Foundation physics books for IIT-JEE/ Class 10 for better preparation of all the students. These books are very helpful for that student.

1. Toppers Academy Foundation physics books for NEET/CBSE class 10

The completely Revised & Updated book PHYSICS IIT-JEE / category for class 10 Chapterwise & Topicwise solved  Papers is an integrated book, that contains a Chapterwise & Topic Wise assortment of past JEE-Advanced queries from past JEE Main (Offline Papers) and (all on-line Papers).  The Book is split into totally different chapters as per NCERT Physics book. With this new feature this book has become the first to adopt NCERT Chapterisation. Every chapter divides the queries into 2-4 topics that area unit additional divided into ten classes of queries – Fill within the Blanks, True/ False, MCQ one correct, MCQ , Passage based, Assertion-Reason, Multiple Matching, whole number Answer, Numeric Answer and Subjective queries. All the Screening and Mains papers of IIT-JEE are incorporated within the book. careful resolution of every and each question has been provided for 100 percent abstract clarity of the information. Well elaborated careful solutions with user friendly language provided at the top of every chapter. Solutions are given with enough diagrams, correct reasoning to bring abstract clarity. The scholars area unit suggested trying queries of a subject right away once they complete a subject in their class/ school/ home. The book contains around 2000+ Milestone issues in Physics.

This is the foundation physics book for IIT JEE particularly for class 10.


IIT JEE stands for Indian Institute of Technology cum Joint Entrance Examination. IIT JEE is written by the students who want to pursue their graduation in engineering or architecture in IITs and NITs. Many students work hard every year to step into IITs and NITs.


JEE-Advanced examination is eligible only for the people who qualify JEE- Main examination.

A candidate can attempt JEE- Advanced  after his/ her 12th completion. A candidate should not have more than 25 years of age,  SC, ST, and PwD have their separate qualification Marks. A candidate should have appeared for the Class 12th Board Examination  in the previous year.

Syllabus  of Physics of Class 10th for NEET/CBSE

  • Physics and measurement
  • Rotational motion
  • Thermodynamics
  • Kinematics
  • Work, energy and power
  • Properties of solids and liquids
  • Gravitation
  • Laws of motion
  • Oscillations and waves
  • Electronic devices
  • Kinetic theory of gases
  • Current electricity
  • Communication systems
  • Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents
  • Magnetic effects of current and magnetism
  • Optics
  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Atoms and nuclei
  • Electrostatics
  • Dual nature of matter and radiation

2. Toppers Academy Foundation mathematics books for NEET/CBSE Class 10


IIT JEE stands for Indian Institute of Technology cum Joint Entrance Examination. IIT JEE is written by the students who want to pursue their graduation in engineering or architecture in IITs and NITs. Many students work hard every year to step into IITs and NITs.


JEE-Advanced examination is eligible only for the people who qualify JEE- Main examination.

A candidate can attempt JEE- Advanced  after his/ her 12th completion. A candidate should not have more than 25 years of age,  SC, ST, and PwD have their separate qualification Marks. A candidate should have appeared for the Class 12th Board Examination  in the previous year.


The mathematics syllabus is given below.

  • Complex numbers and quadratic equations
  • Matrices and determinants
  • Sets, relations and functions
  • Mathematical induction
  • Permutations and combinations
  • Mathematical reasoning
  • Limit, continuity and differentiability
  • Integral calculus
  • Three-dimensional geometry
  • Differential equations
  • Binomial theorem and its simple applications
  • Sequence and Series
  • Vector algebra
  • Statistics and probability
  • Trigonometry
  • Co-ordinate geometry

3. Toppers Academy Foundation chemistry books for IIT-JEE/NEET/ Class 10

The syllabus here which is included in the Topper’s Academy foundation book for the IIT-JEE/NEET/ Class 10 students includes the chemistry topics of the IIT-JEE/NEET/ Class 10 board along with the class 11 and 12 topics too for the IIT JEE. It has topics like

1. Organic Chemistry

Purification & Characterization of organic compounds, Chemistry in Everyday Life, Organic compounds, Biomolecules and Polymers and more basic principles of Organic Chemistry.

2. Inorganic Chemistry

Chemical Properties of Elements & Periodicity in Properties, Hydrogen & its compounds, S-block elements (alkali & alkaline earth metals), Coordination Compounds, and more

3. Physical Chemistry

Some basic concepts in Chemistry, States of Matter, Chemical bonding & molecular structure, Chemical Thermodynamics, Atomic Structure, and more.

This book has the various key concepts of the chapter which will help you in the revision here and plus also the various MCQ and problems based on each topic here. The solutions are also provided here and also past years’ questions are included too.

The total number of chapters included in this book is 11 from IIT-JEE/NEET/ Class 10 and related problems from classes 11 and 12 are included here too.

4. Toppers Academy Foundation biology books for NEET/ Class 10

Topper Academy Foundation Series covers the entire syllabus precisely and helps you score well. Here is we’d mentioned about the best Biology foundation book for class 10th i.e., Toppers Academy Foundation Biology books for NEET/ Class 10.

Toppers Academy has a perfect series for foundation courses books which have comprehensive and reliable, and syllabus focused content targeted specially for NEET. The main objective of the Toppers Academy Foundation series is to provide authentic and class-tested content for effective preparation — to build strong foundation and better scoring.

About NEET Examination:-

NEET is a single stage all India level examination conducted for under graduate Medical studies. By cracking NEET, the candidate can get admission in MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BSMS, BUMS and BHMS.

The examination is conducted and managed by National Testing Agency (NTA).

NEET is a compulsory test for every particular who wants to pursue their career in medical field in India and in abroad.

Age limit for NEET examination is 17 – 25 years.

Syllabus for the NEET examination is very vast and hence a good quality guide and preparatory book is required for better preparation.

One can give this exam countless times, as there is no restriction on the number of attempts.
Total 180 objective questions are asked in the exam within a time limit of three hours. Each correct answer gives +4 marks and -1 for each incorrect answer.

Eligibility criteria for the exam are a minimum age of 17 years and must have completed 12th with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English as the main subjects.

Biology Syllabus:-

  • Diversity in Living World
  • Structural Organization in Animals and Plants
  • Reproduction
  • Genetics and Evolution
  • Cell Structure and Function
  • Biology and Human Welfare
  • Ecology and environment
  • Biotechnology and Its Applications
  • Plant Physiology
  • Human physiology

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Foundation Course Combo Class 10 books(Physics Chemistry Biology and Maths) for NEET/CBSE

Foundation Course Combo Class 10 books(Physics Chemistry Biology and Maths) for NEET/CBSE

1,800.002,500.00 (-28%)

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