Economy Notes by Nitin Sangwan (IAS)

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Economy Notes by Nitin Sangwan (IAS) Nitin Sangwan felt that he ought to attempt to get into Indian Administrative Service (IAS) when he was in the Infosys seat. That was his second employment then. He functioned as Tehsildar in Haryana (1 year), DANICS (9 Months) and in Indian Revenue Service (IRS) before he cleared IAS exam in 2015. This was his fourth endeavor at UPSC CSE and aside from the to start with, on the various endeavors he made it to the last rank rundown.

Study material is one site giving full and best notes.We have such a gathering of fulfilled Students they are genuinely impacting to get our notes.So unmistakable understudies purchase our notes and kept up other understudies.Study material giving UPSC notes,Printed notes,Photocopy of Original notes.

Economy Notes by Nitin Sangwan (IAS) important points are given below..

1.Spreading Jam VOLUME

2.Spreading Jam Across INDIA’S Economy

3.Agriculture More From Less

4.Mother and Child

5.Bounties For The Well-off

6.Fiscal Capacity

7.Pref-rental Trade Agreements

8.Reforming Fertilizers Sectors

9.Structural Changes in INDIA’S Labour Markets

10.Powering One India

11. Public Finance

12.Monetary Management And Financial Intermidiation

13.External  Sector

14.Prices, Agriculture And Food Management

15.Industrial, Corporate And Infrastructural Performance

16.Services Sector

17.Climate Change And Sustainable Development

18.Social Infrastructural Employment and Human Development

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Economy Notes by Nitin Sangwan Notes

Economy Notes by Nitin Sangwan (IAS)

115.00120.00 (-4%)

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