LA EXCELLENCE IAS Test Series Anthropology

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LA-EXCELLENCE-IAS-Test Series -Anthropology by Mrs. Sosin is test series. Which is test series is conducted by Mrs. Sosin mam. This note is included the all-important topic according to Anthropology syllabus. This test series is best for UPSC, IAS, Board exam student which is preparation competitive exam.

Author:- SOSIN MAM
Publisher:- LA – EXCELLENCE 
Language:- English
Year:- 2023
Type of  Book :- Printed notes 
Exam :- IAS, UPSC 

LA-EXCELLENCE-Test Series -Anthropology

LA-EXCELLENCE-IAS-Test Series -Anthropology about the course information given below,

  1. This test series is the total number of tests 12.
  2. This test series is conducted mode of test series online or offline method.
  3. This test series of Anthropology subject classes and video also available.
  4. These notes cover all the topic of Anthropology notes.


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LA EXCELLENCE IAS Test Series Anthropology

10,500.0012,000.00 (-13%)